This page provides a snapshot into JMU's Computer Information Systems major.
What is Computer Information Science? Information Science is the study of the relationships between information, organizations, and human beings.
Computer Information Systems: What to Expect. Computer Information Systems majors at the University of South Carolina will develop a wide array of skills and be exposed to .
Description of Major Computer Information Systems is offered as a major through the Computer Information Systems and Management Science Program.
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems Bradley University Peoria, Illinois
The Computer Information Systems (CIS) major has as its focus the processing of data for business or government use. File processing and database management are central to this .
California Lutheran University offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs. Located in beautiful Thousand Oaks, CA.
Computer Information Systems Major. Within the baccalaureate degree program in computer information systems (CIS) concentrations are available in computer game technology (CGT .
The APU computer computer information systems major information systems major is a CIS degree for students seeking a computer information systems bachelors or CIS major.
The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS) prepares graduates for successful careers in the computer information systems and information .
Learn more about the computer information systems major at Cedar Crest College.
Produced by the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
I have a interest in computers and I'm trying to figure out what I want to major in. I'm average at math, I've never been a huge math whiz and I'm not the biggest .
@ my community College I chose: Computer Information Systems(Security)Option or "Computer Security" as my major. Not thinking about transferring it has twice as many .
They know who you are; you can call them, stop by their offices, sit down with them and get feedback. That really helps.
Computer Information Systems Major Curriculum. The computer information systems (CIS) major prepares responsible, well-rounded graduates who understand critical aspects of most .
The computer information systems major is designed to meet the challenges of a relatively young, dynamic, and growing field.
Computer Information Systems Major BA. This major is computer information systems major being replaced by a newly approved Computer Information Technology B.S. degree effective Fall 2011.
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